Since 1999, the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence (NJIDV), has offered education programs for judges from around the country, helping them develop or enhance their skills in handling a wide range of criminal and civil cases involving domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, and stalking. The NJIDV hands-on, interactive workshops offer information on the dynamics of domestic violence, elder abuse and related issues, as well as practical advice from experienced judges and other professionals on how to handle all aspects of these complex cases fairly and effectively.

To date, NJIDV has provided education through its continuum of programs to more than 9,000 judges. NJIDV offers its foundational domestic violence course, Enhancing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Cases (EJS) Workshop, several times per year in a variety of locations across the country. In addition, NJIDV provides technical assistance to replicate or adapt the EJS regionally. Through the NJIDV Continuing Judicial Skills in Domestic Violence Cases (CJS) Program, judges can attend specific court assignment and special topics courses to further develop tools to effectively manage domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking cases.

Judges return from these programs to their communities with a vastly greater understanding of domestic violence, elder abuse, sexual assault and stalking, improved tools for handling the day-to-day legal issues, and a stronger sense of their courtroom and community roles to help end and prevent violence. Judges also learn how to support victims' efforts to achieve safety, obtain support, and realize autonomy while holding batterers accountable for their conduct and offering them opportunities to change battering behavior. Through ongoing input from judicial officers, NJIDV programs continue to evolve to meet the needs of the judiciary. Course topics have expanded, and new educational opportunities have been added. Most recently, NJIDV has created virtual and on-demand programs to supplement the core EJS Workshops and CJS programs. Please see the course offerings section for more details.

Jennifer Arsenian, JD
Senior Program ManagerNCJFCJ

Aaron Polkey, JD
Staff Attorney for Outreach and EngagementFutures Without Violence

Brianne Smith
Senior Program ManagerNCJFCJ

Jenny Talancon
Program ManagerNCJFCJ

Yolanda Webb
Senior Planning SpecialistNCJFCJ

Jennifer White, JD
Director, Learning and LeadershipFutures Without Violence